Mariages Stables et leurs relations avec d'autres problèms combinatoires

CHAPTER 3:  Principe D'Ajournement des Décisions; Collection de Coupons
VERSE 16:      Une méthode difficile consiste à énumérer tous les arrangements du jeu tels qu'aucun cycle n'apparaisse entre les dernières cartes des paquets disposés sur le cercle.

Mariages Stables is written in a lost language known as "Quadratic C" which to this day remains mysterious.  Nobody has any idea what this sentence means nor even what the topic of the book might have been.  Clearly it has something to with marital difficulties and stamp collecting, but beyond that linguists are frankly baffled.  Ah well, c'est la vie.

Quadratic C is a fascinating language to which considerable effort has been given, so far without success.  Some scholars believe it was so common during the Middle Dark Ages (fifteenth through nineteenth centuries) that it functioned as the lingua franca of its day.  It was certainly spoken across the less-civilized portions of Europe.  Language historians believe it was used in several provinces of the United States of America:  Vermont, Quebec, and probably New York.

In a coup de maître of archaeological sleuthing, Francis de Gaulle (Rosner Professor of the History of Science at the University of Parisgrad and ci-devant department chair) has recently located a sort of rosetta stone for Quadratic C.  It is thus to be hoped that an accurate translation of Mariages Stables will soon be available.

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